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What is the Most Popular Facial Filler?

What is the Most Popular Facial Filler?

Restylane, invented in a Swedish laboratory and first used in the United States, has been injected 10 million times...

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How Long Do Dermal Fillers Last? An Expert's Guide

Sapna Palep of Spring Street Dermatology is an expert in dermal fillers. The most commonly used dermal fillers contain...

The History of Dermal Fillers: From 19th Century Tuberculosis to Today's Reality Stars

Dermal fillers have been around for more than 40 years, but they have changed dramatically over the years. To understand...

Are Fillers Injected Into the Muscle? An Expert's Perspective

When it comes to dermal fillers, it's important to understand that they are not injected into the muscle. Instead, they...

Do Fillers Cause Skin to Sag? - Dermal Filler Won't Do That

There is a very common misconception that dermal fillers can cause skin to sag, however, we can safely say that this is...

Are Dermal Fillers Safe? An Expert's Perspective

Dermal fillers are a popular choice for those looking to reverse the visible signs of aging, such as skin laxity, fine...

Botox vs Dermal Fillers: Which is Better for You?

When it comes to improving your skin's appearance, Botox and dermal fillers are two of the most popular options. Both...

Does Filler Ever Fully Go Away?

That really depends on the filling that was used. Most of the time, HA-based fillers (Juvederm, Restylane) last 6 to 18...

The Evolution of Dermal Fillers: A Look at the Last 40 Years

The use of dermal fillers for cosmetic purposes has been around for more than four decades, and in that time, the...