How Much Filler is Needed to Enhance Hollow Cheeks?

When it comes to enhancing hollow cheeks, the amount of filler needed will depend on the severity of the laxity of the skin and the desired aesthetic outcome. Learn more about facial fillers and how much you may need.

How Much Filler is Needed to Enhance Hollow Cheeks?

When it comes to enhancing hollow cheeks, the amount of filler needed will depend on the severity of the laxity of the skin and the desired aesthetic outcome. Generally, two to four syringes of Voluma are used, with one to two syringes per cheek. Weight loss and illness can also cause fat pads in the cheeks to diminish, requiring more filler to restore a youthful look. Juvederm is a type of injectable dermal filler made from hyaluronic acid.

This acid works by increasing the amount of hyaluronic acid in the skin, rehydrating and plumping it. When administered correctly by an experienced injector, it can smooth deep facial lines, wrinkles, and restore fullness to the cheeks or lips. Fortunately, there are several facial fillers available to restore lost volume and fill cheekbones. The amount of filler needed will vary from person to person, but usually 1-3ml of cheek filler per cheek is used.

If wrinkles are the main concern, then Botox or another neuromodulator should be used instead of fillers or in combination with them. It is important to find a physician experienced in dermal filler application for best results. For puppet lines, 0.5 ml to 1 ml of filler is typically used per side of the face. Depending on the degree of volume loss, 3 ml of filler (for both sides) may be used for the anterior and lateral cheeks.

For hollow cheeks, 0.5 ml to 1 ml of filler is usually injected per side of the preauricular area (1-2 ml total). For tear channels, 0.5 ml to 1 ml of filler is typically used per side, but a professional will use their skill and experience to determine what amount is right for each individual.

Dona Brookie
Dona Brookie

Subtly charming travel practitioner. Incurable food maven. Extreme bacon ninja. Twitter trailblazer. Incurable internet aficionado. Award-winning internet fan.

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