How to Tell if a Filler is Permanent

Learn how to tell if your facial filler is permanent or not from an expert's perspective.

How to Tell if a Filler is Permanent

Unlike temporary and semi-permanent dermal fillers, permanent dermal fillers can't break down, which means the body can't break them down as quickly. They are usually formulated to be injected into parts of the body that consist of thick skin, such as the nasolabial folds, and can last up to five years or longer. When it comes to cosmetic injections, permanent facial fillers may seem attractive, since they supposedly last a lifetime. However, substances that are permanent cannot be easily adjusted.

Time and aging will eventually affect skin and bones. Facial bones will shrink and atrophy over time. Using permanent fillers or permanent cosmetic injections can make you look “unusual” or unattractive in just a few years. With this in mind and with more than 12 years of experience injecting temporary dermal fillers, Dr.

Gavin Chan decided to start using permanent fillers for the right patients. He notes: “It took me 12 years to make temporary fillers before I actually decided to make permanent fillers. You have to reach a certain level of confidence where you know you can put a permanent fill accurately 99.99% of the time. It's a bit like when you're in elementary school and you have to graduate from pen to pen.

You only get a pen license when you're very good at working with a pencil.”Permanent fill is meant to be just that, permanent. There's no guarantee that you're happy with the results, so it can be a risky decision if you've never had fillers before. While there are removal treatments for permanent fillers, they are quite complicated and difficult to perform. Some fillers, although claimed to be permanent, lose their effectiveness over time as the skin continues to age.

And, anyway, a totally permanent solution might not be the best idea. If you don't like the results, you could stay with them for a long time. Some injectables have a reversible procedure that you can perform if you feel that the results don't meet expectations. Facial aging causes volume loss.

As we lose fat on our face, wrinkles form and skin sag. Semi-permanent fillers include Radiesse and Sculptra and last 1 to 2 years. Artefil and grease are the most common permanent fillers. Another advantage of temporary dermal fillers is that you have the freedom and ability to try different types of dermal filler injections to see how they affect your body.

New wrinkles can be treated with anti-wrinkle injections, and volume loss can be replaced with high-quality dermal filler injections, without being restricted to a permanent filler that suddenly looks “bad” or “unbalanced”. Using permanent fillers can create unrealistic expectations on the part of people who see it as a panacea; so can temporary fillers. Dr. Gavin Chan points out that once you have undergone permanent filling treatment, you cannot mix it with temporary fillers because of the risk of developing an infection or complications, including sequelae.

Justin Harper, “The longevity of a facial filler depends on the amount injected and the area of the face where the product is injected. Dermal fillers can work wonders for virtually reducing or eliminating facial lines and wrinkles, adding volume to lips and contours, and helping smooth the appearance of acne scars. Dermal fillers are a popular means to rejuvenate a face with reduced volume or to improve certain facial features, such as the lips or cheekbones. We offer two different types of temporary fillers that are most commonly used to fill the appearance of facial wrinkles, fill the lips, lift the cheeks, soften the skin and more.

When you add a permanent filler to the dermal layers of the skin, a filler that, unlike an approved temporary filler solution (the good quality temporary marks), adds a substance that does NOT naturally exist in the body. And those approved fillers based on temporary filling solutions are superior for numerous reasons compared to permanent filling options or even lip augmentation surgery. The main difference between permanent and non-permanent dermal fillers is that the non-permanent filler can dissolve and is therefore safer to use in clinical practice. One of the disadvantages of permanent fillers is that there have been reports that a single injection of a permanent filler can develop foreign body-like cells, such as nodules.

Dona Brookie
Dona Brookie

Subtly charming travel practitioner. Incurable food maven. Extreme bacon ninja. Twitter trailblazer. Incurable internet aficionado. Award-winning internet fan.

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